Fishing line is available in a dizzying variety of weights, types and brands. But as with most things in life, you can make it as simple or complicated as you wish.
If you've got the basics down, we can show you how to take your fishing skills up a notch.
Spinning Reels
Bail closes when casting.
Possible Cause: Bail spring is weak. Solution: Replace with new bail spring.
Bail closes when casting.
Possible Cause: Bail spring is weak. Solution: Replace with new bail spring.
Bail will not trip or becomes sluggish.
Possible Cause: Bail spring is broken. Solution: Replace with new spring.
Possible Cause: Bail wire is bent. Solution: Replace with new bail wire assembly.
Possible Cause: Dirt or debris in bail hinges. Solution: Remove bail wire assembly, clean thoroughly, and lubricate with reel oil. Learn How to add lubrication in ourtips section.
Drag or spool locked-up at the start of day.
Possible Cause: Drag disc seized to washers due to debris on disc. Solution: Loosen drag tension and turn spool until drag discs break free. Remember to always loosen drag completely after fishing.
Gears are rough or reel makes a grinding noise on retrieve.
Possible Cause: Dirt or debris between spool and rotor, or in gear system. Solution: Clean inside of reel by rinsing thoroughly and lubricate properly. Learn How to add lubrication in our tips section.
Line is twisting.
Possible Cause: Line was spooled on improperly. Solution: Replace line or play out line (without lure) behind boat or in river current to remove line twist. NOTE: When installing new line, make sure the line from the supply spool is feeding off in the same direction as the rotor is turning.
Possible Cause: Lure spinning on retrieve. Solution: When trolling, make sure the line is not wrapped around your lure so it’s running true. When using in-line spinners, attach a ball bearing swivel to the line.
Possible Cause: Bail wire is misshapen. Solution: Replace bail wire assembly.
Line tangles when casting.
Possible Cause: Spool is overfilled with line. Solution: Reduce amount of line to 1/8" below spool lip. Be sure to use the line size that is recommended for your reel.
Possible Cause: Line memory. Solution: Soak reel spool of line in water prior to use. Also see tips on Preventing line problems in our tips section.